About me
My name is Rainer Neumann.
I was born in 1960 in Rastatt / Germany.
I am married and I live in Ludwigshafen.
In 2016 I started to do Street Photography which attracts me especially because of its vividness, the people, to show often not noticed people.
Being out with my camera, I constantly observe, watch, try to catch special people, special situations, special facial expressions: document daily live in the streets in the way I see it.
Street Photography is documentary photography.
Street Photography is about searching for something new.
Street Photography is about going out and observe people, situations and life.
Street Photography is art!
Unfortunately it seems not to be legal any more in Germany with the new data laws.
Thats the reason you will not see any pictures I took in the past in my hometown.
To do street I travel.
I mostly prefer black and white shots to color because b&w let me concentrate more on the soul of a picture.